Deep Breath

Photo Cred📸 @anwenhannah (Top Gal x)

We seem to be living in an ever increasing world of chaos, one with never ending demands and a growing sense of confusion; allowing for an air of uncertainty to trickle through.   

It can seem somewhat daunting when you take a step back and observe the wider global indifferences which are stark, but often forgotten. Whether it's the shocking disparity between rich and poor, the polarisation of wider Human Rights, the political fractures occurring across the world; there's inequality and chaos in plain sight. You might be thinking daunting is a delusional understatement. 

A bit on the heavy side isn't it?  

So, yes when you take in the seemingly disastrous state of current affairs there is a crashing wave of uncertainty that comes down with it. Yet, instead of going ostrich style and sticking your head in the sand, why not challenge that essence of uncertainty? The very definition of uncertainty often scares our habitual nature, but why not switch up the consensus: uncertainty also allows for the potential for change.

Change, that electric sense of optimism which is repeatedly renewed with the turn of a new page. Chaos is definitely not a new phenomenon in our contentious world, but we've always pulled through in one way or another, and part of that is down to our unique ability to change our outlook to grasp the positive elements and thrive. So, with the tantalising change of a bursting season and a whole host of global changes, why not take a deep breath and embrace the small changes one step at a time? 

Perspective is key, 

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