It’s been a whole year since I got my place in Bristol University and what a whirlwind it’s been. That step of going to university really is like none other and shouldn’t be taken for granted. I remember that nervous excitement, the fear of moving in and then not knowing what on earth was going on in lectures once I got there. But it was still wonderful. Countless people will tell you that university will be the best days of your life, and I’m not going to add to that pressure of perfection. It’s tough and confusing at times and you’ll think you’re the only one who’s missing home; but, the reality is that everyone’s in the same boat feeling a little out of their depth. So, que my quick list of 20 home truths, to ease any budding Fresher’s into the excitement of university with a few things I learnt in my first year of university.
📸 Classic Seaside Day @ Mumbles Pier

Get a door stop and a pack of welcome biscuits for your flat. Be open to getting to know everyone and the conversation is bound to flow.
Disclaimer: not everyone in your flat will be your best mate. Harsh reality. Look a bit further than the person who lives behind that paper-thin wall and you’ll find your way.
Invest in some ear plugs, you’ll thank me.
You will become extra buff from carrying shopping bags. Who needs the gym?
Don’t be drawn in by the financial benefits of Tesco value vodka. You will sorely regret it.
Know your limits…
Another harsh reality, you will get homesick at some point and EVERYONE does, but this will pass and you will begin to feel at home in your new city. Plus, a call home can do the world of good.
Find a safe taxi number for your city and save it into your phone asap.
Sometimes the damage of bluetac marks just isn’t worth it. After having to deal with a hefty bluets crisis, I’d recommend investing in some ‘no mark’ tape and/or a pin board.
Be a bit posh and release your inner middle class mum and get a Waitrose card, purely for the free coffee and sweet moment in their nice air-conditioned shops.
You will feel stupid in a lecture at some point but trust me, it’ll start to make sense eventually.
There will be countless Know-It-All’s in your class and they will probably stress you out, but remember, you got onto that course because you’re of the same calibre. We all have our different strengths within our subjects so don’t neglect yours.
Doing your laundry will become the biggest thorn in your side as the machines will always be in use. Le sighhhh.
Fresher’s flu is real and it takes no prisoners. Bring a bumper pack a lemspis and prepare to feel sorry for your snotty self.
Be prepared, there will be at least one person in your flat who doesn’t understand basic kitchen hygiene.
Get to know your tutors, they’re very useful people who have your best interests at heart. Be nice to them and they’ll help you out when you most need it.
Grab a good kitchen cupboard and fridge shelf as a matter of urgency on moving day.
Be yourself. In this massive time of change be mindful of the person you are and want to be in university. Explore your hobbies and test your boundaries to become your best you. (Cringe but true.)
Best of luck to everyone embarking on their university journey!
Laura x
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