Hello Again


A good friend of mine recently asked me where the hell my blog had been, and along with being flattered that people actually read this nonsense, I felt slightly ashamed that I had neglected this tiny bit of internet space. Which lead to the inevitable self disciplinary scoldings of my inner perfectionist. None the less, the friendly inquisition has given me the motivation to make some time to put pen to paper (thank you.) 

The main issue is how to keep hold of a sudden surge of motivation which crashes in when we least expect it. We've all been there when the bright idea has hit but we'll "save it for later" because it would be far too much effort to do right now; "later" never comes though, does it? (guilty.) I am in no way a saint when it comes to getting stuff done, there's always some sort of excuse or not enough hours in the day. The challenge of juggling an increasing school work load, social life and keeping up with friends and family, along with  personal hobbies, extra curricular ties and responsibilities all while trying to stay healthy is a hard feat for all of us. But we've all got aspirations and goals to achieve, even if it's just getting to the end of the week in one piece; and I personally think that having a goal is the key to keeping a grasp on motivation. With an achievement in mind we unconsciously create our own motivation to succeed which in turn powers up our productivity. From here it's a case of organisation and determination to get you to where you want to be; don't be the life long sofa sloth who couldn't be bothered, where's the fun in that? 

To end on an incredibly cliche note (I know, I'm sorry), bare in mind what Oscar Wilde meant when he said, "We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars." 


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